Click on the picture below and you will find a useful pdf.
(2nd What's up sessions, 2015-2016 school year)
Mental Maths
Cycle cards 1 PPT
Cycle cards 2 PPT
Cycle cards 3 PPT
Parts of the plant we eat PPT
Plants Word by Word
Plants - Set of activites to be used with IWB
The Solar System
The Solar System WWtbaM
The Circulatory System
Circulatory system - Set of activities to be used with IWB
Experimenting with physical processes
Clil for success: blog with interesting articles and resources
CIREL - Centre de Suport a la Innovació i Recerca Educativa en Llengües
British Council - CLIL: various materials and articles.
onestopclil: resources for Primary and Secondary clil teachers.